I’m not a real doctor, but I am going to offer some advice to the birthers on your health.
This article is prompted by a disturbing report on deaths in the United States. Like most developing countries, Americans are becoming more healthy and their life span is increasing. It’s not the same improvement across all ethnic groups, genders and education levels, but for all groups there is steady improvement, except for one, middle-aged white non-Hispanics, especially men with less education. For that group the death rate is increasing (even though deaths from smoking are declining). Here’s the shocking graphic:
These guys are killing themselves through alcohol and drug poisoning, liver disease, and literally killing themselves by suicide!
I talked to my pastor about this and he confirmed from his own experience how stressed this group feels, especially the stress of finding a job when lacking a college diploma, and that they feel disadvantaged as non-white workers enter the work force in increasing numbers.
I address this article to birthers because you are part of the demographic that is killing themselves. (The caption on the chart is altered; the original said “non-Hispanic white” rather than “birthers,” but these are largely who the birthers are, plus older persons, whose death rates are higher anyway.)
I don’t have simple answers for your real problems, but I can tell you that self-medication with alcohol and drugs just makes things worse. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Heaven knows that I would like to see fewer birthers in the world, but I want that change to come about through reason and information—I don’t want you dead. So for what they’re worth, here are my suggestions:
- Avoid alcohol consumption to excess. If your friends are telling you that you have an alcohol problem, talk to a counselor to find out if they’re right.
- If you have thoughts of suicide, contact a suicide prevention hotline or a mental health professional. In the US call 1 (800) 273-8255.
- Limit your time on the Internet, particularly on web sites that increase your anxiety level, and make you feel afraid.
- Block Fox News from your TV channel list.
- Get out more, plan family outings, visit the park and breathe some fresh air.
- Join a service organization and enjoy the feeling of helping someone worse off than you are.
I don’t have an answer for your economic problems, except to suggest that you vote Democratic. Republicans are the party trying to dismantle what there is of a social safety net, the ones who don’t want you to be able to afford college, and want you do go bankrupt with medical expenses, and who want you to be unable to earn a living wage if you do get a job.