That’s the state of the birther movement today. They got their way by electing what they thought was a birther candidate for president, only to find out that he could care less about their final vindication.
If anyone fits the image above, it’s Carl Gallups, radio preacher, end-times prophet and birther. For years now, Gallups has been on the radio, and posting on Facebook about the eminent release of the Cold Case Posse’s proof what Barack Obama was not really eligible to be president. But who gives a rat’s ass about that now? On January 20, Obama leaves office. Birther predictions of martial law, or a rigged election, just didn’t pan out. The country will move on, whether over a cliff or not remains to be seen.
Gallups has been promising results for 3 years now, following the debacle that was the Cold Case Posse press conferences, where Mike Zullo presented incompetent evidence, some of which was even fabricated. Now Gallups, thinking that he is still standing on terra firma, tells his followers this past week on Facebook that there is still something to the birther movement:
The Arpaio/Zullo announcement is being meticulously planned. We will keep you poste (sic) and informed along the way. Be Patient. You WILL be vindicated! This is the year of “Revelations!”On May 24 of 2014 Gallops wrote:
We had announced at PPSimmons that we would have some breaking news, as well as some updated info concerning the upcoming news conferences by Arpaio and Zullo.
So what was being done between May of 2014 and November of 2016 when you should have been doing your “meticulous planning”? You use that word “vindicated” but I don’t think it means what you think it does.